My stretch exercises

This is only to record the stretch exercises I have done in class.
* All images and pictures are picked from Internet, click picture to check the original source.
The Bound Angle
Sit on the floor with your legs straight.

(A) Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, letting your knees drop toward the ground. Hold your shins as you inhale and stretch your chest upward.

(B) Exhale as you hinge forward from your hips (without rounding your back) and place your palms on the ground. Hold for five slow breaths.

Incorporating turnout into functional extensions

The objective to achieve a fully turned out front split, begins from the upper leg. The goal is to keep the hips square, with attitude (90 degrees lower leg), front and back, working progressively toward alignment of each fully turned out leg, through the centerline of the body.

From the attitude position, each leg is extended maintaining full rotation of the upper leg. Please note the difference between a fully rotated extended leg, and a parallel extended leg.

The Seated Back Twist
Sit on the floor with your legs straight.

(A) Bend your right knee and step your right foot over your left leg. Put your right hand on the floor, fingers pointing outward, for support. Bend your left elbow and turn to the right, placing the back of your arm against your right knee. Inhale as you sit tall.

(B) Breathe out as you twist, pressing your arm into your leg and looking over your right shoulder. Hold for five breaths, then slowly return to the center. Switch sides.

Upper trapezius & neck
Starting Position
Sitting straight with one arm either a) sitting on your hand or b) holding the chair bottom or chair leg with your hand.

Tilt head laterally to the opposite side and use your free hand to push head to increase neck stretch.

Coaching Keys
Push head to increase neck stretch. Pulling the hand under the chair will increase stretch in upper trapezius.

Advanced Stretch
Rotate head so that chin points to opposite shoulder and pull with hand from behind the head.

Starting Position
Lying on your back, bring your knee towards the opposite shoulder while keeping the opposite leg straight.

Use hands to bring knee towards your body until you feel a stretch in the buttocks.

Coaching Keys
Keep shoulders relaxed and head on the floor. If the position is too difficult, guide the knee to the shoulder on the same side. If experiencing back pain, bend the resting leg.

Advanced Stretch
Rotate further by grabbing the ankle and pull towards body.

Trunk rotation & lower back
Starting Position
Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other straight with your arms to the side and palms facing up.

Rotate hip so that the bent leg rolls over the straight leg, until you feel a moderate stretch in your lower back.

Coaching Keys
Keep both shoulders on the ground at all times.

Advanced Stretch
Place the hand opposite the bent leg on the bent knee and push down (keeping your shoulders on ground).

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