In Japan, ねぎ have various types with different methods to serve, while there is only “Spring Onion” in English.
ねぎ is usually refer to winter big long ones, size and color similar to leek, but taste and shapes are different. Winter is the season, if it is good, it is juicy and sticky, even leak juice when cutting of any parts.
焼きネギ – cut white part of ねぎ to 5cm long, grill until surface is all black, peel of the first layer before add to だし sauce (all a bit of だしdashi pack、酒sake、みりんmirin、砂糖sugar、醤油soy sauce, make it caramel first, turn a bit bitter, can add water if its too thick, it looks soy sauce caramel, and taste a bit sweet)
ネギ豆腐 – We made this in the small red ceramic pot, which could go on fire straight. Boil だし、みりん、酒、砂糖、cutted ねぎwhite and green together, for around 1 hour, take ねぎ out, and put whole box of tofu in the left over だし soup for around 5-10 minutes, put back the ねぎ, and leave in small candle fire when serving. Serve with rock salt (we use lemon rock salt that mommy made herself). After had ねぎ and 豆腐, juice can be mix with rice and make a very good 雑炊, yummy.
蒸し野菜 – Probably only in winter when ねぎ is very good. “Boil” ねぎ and 人参 carrot in pot with 豆腐 in small pot, and simmer without water. ねぎ is very juicy and sweet, so would make lots of juice after. Serve with sea salt and ポン酢 ponzu.