Start making dorayaki at home
recipe first, search from COOKPAD website, since dorayaki started few hundreds years ago, milk or butter should be not popular that time in Japan.
a. 2 eggs + 70g sugar + 1 tbsp honey
b. 80g plain flour + 1/2 tsp baking powder + 2 tsp water
c. 2 tsp water
1. mix a, bit until bubbles appears. not too short, not too long, too long will make the bread tooo fluffy and soft
2. sift flour and add baking powder to 1. mix well, and leave in fridge for 15 minutes.
3. add another two tsp of water, mix well.
4. heat up pan, then put it under running water for few seconds, to cool down the bottom
5. turn to small fire, add little bit oil, and wipe with kithen paper
6. use normal table spoon, drop one table spoon of paste on the pan, should hear some little noise, so the pan is not too cold or not too hot, I make two on one pan.
7. cover the pan, wait about one minute until steam comes up, or start bubbling. DONT WAIT FOR TOO LONG, else it will stick on the pan =(
8. turn over, leave about half minutes.
9. put red bean paste on one, and cover with another one =)
serve 6
baidu – 铜锣烧,又叫黄金饼,因为是由两块象铜锣一样的饼合起来的,故而得名铜锣烧。是一种烤制面皮、内置红豆沙夹心的甜点,也是日本的传统糕点。日本卡通人物哆啦A梦和哆啦七小子的最爱食品。 日文写法:どら焼き、ドラ焼き、铜锣焼き。