松茸 Matsutake mushroom

This years first matsutake mushroom is from Canada, 1000 for three, very reasonable and cost effective. Half of them were enough for matsutake rice, so we had a lot left enough to make a soup – dobinmushi/osumashi.

Rice is as usual, exchange 20ml of water to milin, add salt and soy sauce for flavour and we should add fried tofu for deeper flavour. Usually because matsutake is so precious and expensive that people only cut a small matsutake into small pieces. This time we pretended rich and cut them into big chunks ;P then darling claimed later that too much matsutake decreased the feeling of preciousness.

Dobinmushi literally means a soup cooked in a very small china pot and drink with a tiny cup every time. That’s why mom strictly measured the amount of water, only 2/3 bowl for everyone. Seaweed dashi, sake, milin, matsutake, salt, soy sauce, a bit tasty than osumashi. Finished up with quite a few of sudachi, a Japanese sour citrus, usually pair with grilled sanma dish.