
This should be the recipe, but I’m not very sure when look at my own diary =(
Dry leaves first, cut to small pieces, then panfry with ちりめんじゃこ in oil with a bit of salt until soft in small flame. Add soaked and cutted しんたけ, and soy sauce, mirin, sake, looks quite dark color at the end.


This one, if it’s proper good one, they use baby carrots leaves only, since our resource is limited, we used all of the carrots.
Cut baby carrot to very big pieces, and boil with salt. Take it out in 10-15 seconds and cut to very small pieces. Boil leaves with salt as well and cut to small, add together with lots of mirin, bit of soy sauce and roasted and mashed sesame.


炒飯Fried Rice

Favorite omrice/ tomato fried rice <3

Oil in the pan, pan fry small dice of onion in low fire until it turns brown, add a bitnof salt to fastern the process if necessary, add capsaicin small pieces before add rice in, since capsaicin get cooked easily, then add tomato sauce, and finish. Simple but effective, not good but everybody loves tomato sauce, and caramel onion increase the flavor.

Ume shiso fried rice梅しそ炒飯 Darling likes it, I’m normal


漬け物 Pickles

Talking about 漬物 tsukemono pickles, first thing in my head would be ぬか漬けnukatsuke, while Darling’s mommy makes good one, I found quite a good source from 白ご飯.com, it looks similar to Mommy’s recipe, here I just write down few memo for myself from Mommy.

1. To check the quality of the base, every time after mix the base from bottom to top twice a day, if hands are not smelly after wash, it’s good. The hands remain smelly after few wash, the base turns bad already.

2. Mommy sometimes put yellow melon skin in the nuka base for overnight to make the base turn sweet and good smell. Some times use good pair skin,? Maybe? It really depends though… She is too randomly creative 😉

or ぬか漬け大好き.com looks not bad too, but I haven’t read it myself yet.

All can store in boxes in fridge, and vegetable should get ready overnight


Should be pickles of leaves of 大根 Daikon or かぶ Kabu, the parts which people usually chuck.
1.Wash 大根・かぶ, cut 葉 off, cut 大根・かぶ into thick pieces, together with whole leaves, dry a bit outside before cut to small to marinate, to take out the water, so the flavor get in easier and faster.
2. Cut 大根・かぶ to strings, and 葉 to small pieces, salt it for one or two hours, pressure it if in hurry, wash a bit if it’s too salty, squeeze water out before serve.

*Mommy always make ふりかけ with different root-vegetable’s leaves like 大根・かぶ・ふき、など, which not many people do anything with it.


Had tried Zucchini, carrot, red raddish
名古屋の味噌, leave it outside will turn it black. Add sufficient amount of miso to vegetable, add sugar to surface and leave for 1 day before serving.
Tried やこん and はやとうり

Chinese cabbage, wash well and cut into size that could just fit in ziplock bags. Add salt and press by heavy bottles/bowls with water, add two or three red chillies and leave it in fridge before serving. Wash a bit and cut into small pieces to serve.

This is a traditional new year’s dish, Darling barely likes it though.
大根・人参 Daikon and Carrot slice to thin strings, add roughly pinch of salt, vinegar 3 spoons, and sugar 1 tsp.

ねぎ “Spring Onion”

In Japan, ねぎ have various types with different methods to serve, while there is only “Spring Onion” in English.

ねぎ is usually refer to winter big long ones, size and color similar to leek, but taste and shapes are different. Winter is the season, if it is good, it is juicy and sticky, even leak juice when cutting of any parts.
焼きネギ – cut white part of ねぎ to 5cm long, grill until surface is all black, peel of the first layer before add to だし sauce (all a bit of だしdashi pack、酒sake、みりんmirin、砂糖sugar、醤油soy sauce, make it caramel first, turn a bit bitter, can add water if its too thick, it looks soy sauce caramel, and taste a bit sweet)
ネギ豆腐 – We made this in the small red ceramic pot, which could go on fire straight. Boil だし、みりん、酒、砂糖、cutted ねぎwhite and green together, for around 1 hour, take ねぎ out, and put whole box of tofu in the left over だし soup for around 5-10 minutes, put back the ねぎ, and leave in small candle fire when serving. Serve with rock salt (we use lemon rock salt that mommy made herself). After had ねぎ and 豆腐, juice can be mix with rice and make a very good 雑炊, yummy.
蒸し野菜 – Probably only in winter when ねぎ is very good. “Boil” ねぎ and 人参 carrot in pot with 豆腐 in small pot, and simmer without water. ねぎ is very juicy and sweet, so would make lots of juice after. Serve with sea salt and ポン酢 ponzu.

玄米 Brown Rice

This post includes all recipe we use for organic brown rice.

玄米 Brown rice is not nice to have if get cooked as raw brown rice, usually we wash briefly with water, and pan fry with lowest fire for around 4 hours  (for three cups) in a flat pan, until it turns brown brown color. Leave a little bit of water at the beginning so the pan does not dry out, and stir all the time before water dries up. Afterwards, just stir/shake occasionally to make sure all sides get cooked. If use for tea, we can cook it until it turn quite black brown, same on lowest fire.

玄米茶 Brown rice tea for one/two
In a small ceramic pot, add water, brown rice, half 梅干 (Japanese Red Sour Plum), 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 2-3 small pieces of 昆布 seaweed. Cook for around 30mins to serve hot or cold. But the amount really depends on people.

玄米ご飯 for one
Mill 70g brown rice for 10 second, so it breaks to small pieces but not fine powder, add to a small ceramic pot and 2 cups of water (more if you like porridge feel, less if you like rice feel), a bit of salt. Boil and stop the fire for one minute to rest, then cook on lowest fire for around 1 hour.

味噌玄米 for one
Same as 玄米ご飯, just add salt and one spoon of miso and preferred vegetable (大根、かぶ、人参、葉、など) at the beginning.

だしと味噌汁 Dashi and miso soup


1.大友煮干 (niboshi) *20 Remove head and inside black (Darling said the head is eatable though)
2. 1 Litre of water
3. Leave for overnight for miso soup the next day.
4. Add 昆布 (seaweed) and shouldn’t make it to boil.


1.大友煮干 (niboshi) *20 Remove head and inside black (Darling said the head is eatable though)
2. 1 Litre of water
3. Leave for overnight for miso soup the next day.
4. Filter the 煮干, add small piece of 昆布 (seaweed), boil and add one spoon of miso, lots of ねぎ (spring onion) at the end.
*** Too much ねぎ flavor, not enough fish flavor and didn’t put salt at the beginning, was not as nice as before.

白和え Shiraae

A very nice but quite complicated and time-consuming cold dish.

豆腐 Tofu 1 box
人参Carrot just for color
こんにゃくKonnyaku similar to carrot
ほうれん草Spinich・春菊Shungiku a bunch or half

1. Dry Tofu with paper towel to squeeze out the water after a while
2. Cut Konnyaku and carrot to small pieces 5mm*1cm, boil small amount of water, add a bit of だし dashi, soy sauce, salt, sake, and mirin, add Konnyaku and carrot, cook under small flame until flavored.
3. Wash and cut off bottom of green vege, if the string is too thick, cross cut the bottom to four so it’s easy to boil, boil in salted water briefly 30 seconds since they get cooked easily, and we don’t like soft soggy vege here, straight to cold water, and squeeze out water before cut to small pieces, or cut first before squeeze
4. Press Tofu through a sift, add flavored Konnyaku, carrot, cutted vegetables, add sugar, salt and 焼きいりごまbaked/mashed sesame



35kcal 5 分 (4人分)

1 きゅうりは料理ばさみで1cm幅の輪切りにする。きゅうりに塩小さじ1をふってもみ、2~3分間おいて、水けを軽く絞る。
2 ボウルにカッコ内の材料を合わせ、(1)のきゅうりを加えてあえる。


Honey find it hard, demo Darling doesn’t like it =(