Crab Salad

Myuga version – since lemon was expensive
Crab stick slices, lettuce and myuga thin slices, mix with mayonnais.
@Blogbus 20110629 00:22
Not crab still, but crab fish cake………..thin slice cucumber with slicerslice red onion with slicer

cut lettuce to slice

cut crab fish cake to slice

mix with mayonase, lemon, pepper, little bit salt.

銅鑼焼き dorayaki

Start making dorayaki at home

recipe first, search from COOKPAD website, since dorayaki started few hundreds years ago, milk or butter should be not popular that time in Japan.

a. 2 eggs + 70g sugar + 1 tbsp honey

b. 80g plain flour + 1/2 tsp baking powder + 2 tsp water

c. 2 tsp water

1. mix a, bit until bubbles appears. not too short, not too long, too long will make the bread tooo fluffy and soft

2. sift flour and add baking powder to 1. mix well, and leave in fridge for 15 minutes.

3. add another two tsp of water, mix well.

4. heat up pan, then put it under running water for few seconds, to cool down the bottom

5. turn to small fire, add little bit oil, and wipe with kithen paper

6. use normal table spoon, drop one table spoon of paste on the pan, should hear some little noise, so the pan is not too cold or not too hot, I make two on one pan.

7. cover the pan, wait about one minute until steam comes up, or start bubbling. DONT WAIT FOR TOO LONG, else it will stick on the pan =(

8. turn over, leave about half minutes.

9. put red bean paste on one, and cover with another one =)

serve 6

baidu – 铜锣烧,又叫黄金饼,因为是由两块象铜锣一样的饼合起来的,故而得名铜锣烧。是一种烤制面皮、内置红豆沙夹心的甜点,也是日本的传统糕点。日本卡通人物哆啦A梦哆啦七小子的最爱食品。 日文写法:どら焼き、ドラ焼き、铜锣焼き。



紅豆 相思豆







5.剩下的豆子在鍋裡,加入糖。弄餡兒的話,實在要放很多很多的糖。他當時問我,糖還有沒有存貨?然後咵的一下把那一小盒糖全倒入鍋子裡了。。。其實後來又放了很多糖,因為覺得不夠甜。。我真是太嗜糖了,也不是很好 =P



@Blogbus 20110624 15:22



网上找到recipe都比较复杂,索性用banana cake的底先试试。因为家里是小的烤箱,所以温度什么的都跟大的不一样。而且没有muffin的烤盘 >.<

1 cup Self-rising flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

50g butter

small pieces of fruits (optional)

fruit jam/anything for topping (optional)


就这么多了吧。。第一次的时候放了1cup的糖,小t说“你放了多少糖啊。。。”还放了点儿baking powder,后来觉得,吃完了牙涩涩的,第二次没放。第一次放了小苹果块,挺好吃的。第二次的时候。。没苹果了。。




@Blogbus 20110419 17:53

Bacon Snack




@Blogbus 20101114 22:40

Scallop BBQ

On a iron plate (for two people):

Add butter and melt on the plate

Scallop – 5-6 pieces, cut to four smaller pieces, add to the pan and fry until surface is crispy

Snow peas, handful, boil for short time and cut to small pieces, add to scallop

Super juicy coins, boil for a while and add to the frying pan

Mushroom (round cup shape), cross-cut to four pieces, and add to frying pan

pan fry all of them in the above order, until the juice is gone.

Have it with rice.

@Blogbus 20101029 20:17









Banana Cake


1 cup bread and pizza flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup Japanese sugar
2 ripe bananas
1 egg
30g NZ butter
Few drops of lemon juice
*bake@140 for 70 min and @50 for 5 min*

1 cup bread and pizza flour
1 teaspoon baking powder (I might forgot to add another one =P)
3/4 cup Japanese sugar
4 ripe bananas
1 beat egg
30g NZ butter
Few drops of lemon juice
*bake@150 for 60 min and @50 for 5 min*

I put lots of bananas this time since last time two raw bananas was not flavored enough. Maybe because there was not enough baking powder as well, it came out quite wet, and after it got cool, it turned quite ‘creamy’ – some wet texture that’s hard to explain…

Latest in front. Haven’t made Banana cake for ages. Since winter is coming too soon, getting too cold, we need something warm and sugar to keep on our life. I’m sure Darling miss my Banana cake too. =P

This time:
1 cup bread and pizza flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup Japanese sugar
2 raw bananas
1 beat egg
30g NZ butter
Few drops of lemon juice
*bake@170 for 45 min and @50 for 5 min*

*Not much banana flavour first, I think it’s because of the raw bananas, or maybe we should try three bananas next time.
*Forgot to buy milk this time, although I add 1/4 cup of water 50ml to the egg, it does not give moist texture. And since bread and pizza flour is too strong, might try more liquid next time.

S在新西兰的时候做过很多次Banana Cake,只是recipe不是Alison Holst的,所以不是很容易找. (Alison Holst是很有名的新西兰厨师?写过一套食谱,后来和她的儿子Simon Holst一起, Mary说,他们的食谱都很可靠,百分百的书上写的和做出来的是一样的,如果自己没有乱来的话 =P)

前些日子T说想吃Banana Cake,简单的蛋糕,又很久没做过了,S就大发慈悲的开始了Banana Cake之旅

第一次–百分百按照网上搜来的recipe,当然也是经过精心挑选的, 因为计量单位的问题,个人感觉的问题,在S多年的baking经验的基础上…选出来的最容易也最可行的一个.细细


2 Cup – Self-raising flour
1 Cup – sugar
60g – butter
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 Cup – milk
2 eggs
2 bananas (8oz – about 2 medium ones)
Mix dry ingredients first, soften butter in a pot, when it cools down, add milk, egg, lemon juice, mix, and add well-mashed bananas.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones, mix well
Line the baking bin with baking paper, and pour the mix to it
Bake @ medium (about 150 – 180 degree) for 1 and 3/4 hours

第二次 — 由于Oven太小,所以材料减半


1 Cup – Self-raising flour
1/2 Cup – sugar
30g – butter
few drops – lemon juice
1 egg
1 banana
1/8 Cup – milk
Mix dry ingredients first, soften butter in a pot, when it cools down, add milk, egg, lemon juice, mix, and add well-mashed bananas.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones, mix well
Line the baking bin with baking paper, and pour the mix to it
Cover the bin with tin foil in case the cake touch the top
Bake @ medium (about 150 – 180 degree) for 40 minutes
take the tin foil off, and bake for another 5 minutes @ 50 degree
结果:Not bad…but a little bit dry, not sweet enough and T wants more bananas.

第三次 — 多了超市买的香蕉,和糖,因为T说他的糖是天然的,所以没有一般的甜。


1 Cup – Self-raising flour
1 Cup – sugar
30g – butter
few drops – lemon juice
1 egg
2 bananas
1/8 Cup – milk
Mix dry ingredients first, soften butter in a pot, when it cools down, add milk, egg, lemon juice, mix, and add well-mashed bananas.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones, mix well
Line the baking bin with baking paper, and pour the mix to it
Cover the bin with tin foil in case the cake touch the top
Bake @ medium (about 150 – 180 degree) for 40 minutes
take the tin foil off, and bake for another 5 minutes @ 50 degree

第四次 —


1 Cup – Self-raising flour
1 Cup – sugar
30g – butter
few drops – lemon juice
1 egg
2 banana
1/4 Cup – milk
Mix dry ingredients first, soften butter in a pot, when it cools down, add milk, egg, lemon juice, mix, and add well-mashed bananas.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones, mix well
Line the baking bin with baking paper, and pour the mix to it
Cover the bin with tin foil in case the cake touch the top
Bake @ medium (about 150 – 180 degree) for 40 minutes
take the tin foil off, and bake for another 5 minutes @ 50 degree

@Blogbus 20100206 10:13